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Burn Scar Removal clinic in Bhubaneswar


The Skin Recovery, under the expert care of Dr. Aishwarya, offers Burn Scars Removal, a specialized treatment to reduce and improve the appearance of scars resulting from burns. This comprehensive approach combines various techniques, including CO2 laser therapy, PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) injections, microneedling, and chemical peels.

Burn Scar Removal Doctor Bhubaneswar

Dr Aishwarya Bedi

MD - Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy, MBBS

7 Years Experience in Skin & Hair treatments

Doctor Profile

Techniques used for Burn Scar Removal in Bhubaneswar


burn scar removal treatment bhubaneswar

CO2 laser therapy precisely targets and vaporizes the upper layers of scar tissue, stimulating collagen production. PRP injections introduce growth factors for enhanced skin regeneration. Microneedling creates controlled micro-injuries to promote collagen synthesis, while chemical peels exfoliate the skin, encouraging cell turnover. This multi-technique approach works synergistically to minimize burn scars.

Benefits of Burn Scar Removal

  • leaf icon Burn scar removal treatments are highly customizable, allowing dermatologists to tailor approaches to the unique characteristics and severity of each scar, ensuring optimal results.
  • leaf icon Allow for precise targeting of scar tissue, minimizing damage to surrounding healthy skin while effectively reducing the scar's appearance.
  • leaf icon Highly customizable, allowing dermatologists to tailor approaches to the unique characteristics and severity of each scar, ensuring optimal results.

Ideal Candidate for Burn Scar Removal

  • leaf icon Individuals with burn scars seeking an effective solution.
  • leaf icon Those looking for a non-surgical, multi-technique approach.
  • leaf icon People wanting to regain smoother and more even skin, regardless of the cause of their burn scars.

Risks & Side-effects of Burn Scar Removal

  • leaf icon Temporary redness, swelling, or discomfort at the treatment site.
  • leaf icon Mild flaking or peeling of the skin following chemical peels.
  • leaf icon Rare risks associated with laser therapy, such as infection or scarring

Burn Scar Removal Clinic in Bhubaneswar - The Skin Recovery


The Skin Recovery, under the expert care of Dr. Aishwarya, stands as a trusted haven for individuals seeking burn scars removal. Dr. Aishwarya's wealth of experience and unwavering dedication to patient well-being guarantee tailored treatment plans that integrate cutting-edge techniques and the latest innovations in scar reduction.



Treatment costs vary depending on the extent of the burn scars and the techniques used. Consultation with Dr. Aishwarya is recommended for an accurate estimate.

CO2 laser therapy vaporizes scar tissue, PRP injections introduce growth factors, microneedling stimulates collagen, and chemical peels promote exfoliation and skin regeneration.

Improvement can vary, but noticeable improvements often appear within several weeks to months following treatment.
The number of sessions depends on the severity of the burn scars and the patient's response to treatment. Dr. Aishwarya will provide guidance on the required number of sessions during your consultation.
While some temporary redness, swelling, or mild discomfort may occur after treatment, downtime is typically minimal. Dr. Aishwarya provides post-treatment care instructions to ensure a comfortable recovery.

Before & After

Before Burn Scar Removal Treatment Bhubaneswar
After Burn Scar Removal Treatment Bhubaneswar

Burn Scars Removal That Works – Start Seeing Results Today!

Looking for a Burn Scars Removal that really works? Look no further than The Skin Recovery. We have a variety of treatments that will help you get clear skin fast.