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Cosmelan clinic in Bhubaneswar


Cosmelan is a professional skin care treatment designed to address all skin concerns, like hyperpigmentation and uneven skin tone. The innovative and highly effective treatment has given a lot of prominence among people looking for a comprehensive solution to their skin issues. The therapy offers a perfect blend of advanced technology, powerful active ingredients, and a multi-step process to achieve noticeable and long-lasting results.

best cosmelan doctor in bhubaneswar

Dr Aishwarya Bedi

MD - Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy, MBBS

7 Years Experience in Skin & Hair treatments

Doctor Profile

Why Choose us for Best Cosmelan Treatment in Bhubaneswar



Expert Cosmelan Specialists

Our clinic features skilled professionals experienced in precise Cosmelan treatments.


Tailored Solutions

We customize each Cosmelan treatment to address your specific concerns and goals.


Proven Results

Countless clients have experienced significant improvement in small lines and skin issues.


Safety First:

Your safety is paramount; our clinic upholds the highest standards of safety and hygiene.

About Cosmelan Treatment


Cosmelan Treatment
Body parts where Cosmelan Technique Can Be Used
Cosmelan is commonly applied to the face, including the forehead, cheeks, nose, and chin. Additionally, Cosmelan can be used on the neck, chest, hands, and other areas affected by hyperpigmentation.
• Cleanse the skin thoroughly
• Apply the Cosmelan mask evenly over the face or the desired treatment area
• Leave the mask on for the specified duration recommended by the professional
• Rinse off the mask with water and gently pat the skin dry
• Follow up with the application of the Cosmelan maintenance cream as directed
• Use recommended sun protection to shield the skin from harmful UV rays
• Regularly moisturize the skin to prevent dryness and promote healing
• Attend follow-up appointments as advised for monitoring and further treatment
• Adhere to post-treatment care instructions provided by the skincare professional
• Maintain a consistent skincare routine to maximize the benefits of the Cosmelan treatment.

Ideal candidate for Cosmelan Treatment

You can be the right candidate for the treatment if you have hyperpigmentation issues caused due to factors like sun exposure, hormonal changes, or post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

At the same time, if you suffer from melasma, a common skin condition characterized by patchy brown skin, you can also be the right candidate. You should be committed to sun protection before and during the treatment. Sun exposure can trigger or worsen pigmentation issues, so you must protect your skin with sunscreen and hats.

Ideal candidates should have realistic expectations about the outcomes, and if you want to be the right candidate, you must ensure that this treatment can help improve. But with the ideal candidate, you should not be pregnant or breastfeeding.

Benefits of Cosmelan Treatment

leaf icon Reduces hyperpigmentation

leaf icon Evens out skin tone

leaf icon Enhances skin radiance

leaf icon Improves skin texture

leaf icon Boosts collagen production

Risks of Cosmelan Treatment

1. Skin irritation: Some individuals may experience skin irritation, redness, or sensitivity due to the treatment.

2. Allergic reactions: There is a potential risk of allergic reactions to the ingredients used in the Cos Melan skin care treatment, especially for individuals with sensitive skin.

3. Increased sun sensitivity: The treatment may increase the skin's sensitivity to the sun, making it more prone to sunburn and damage if proper sun protection is not followed.

4. Dryness or peeling: In some cases, Cosmelan products can lead to dryness or peeling of the skin, incredibly if not properly moisturized.

4. Uneven skin tone: Improper application or overuse of the treatment can result in an uneven skin tone or discolouration. Following the recommended guidelines and consult with a professional for appropriate use.

Recovery time After Cosmelan Treatment

The recovery time after the treatment will depend on your treatment and how well you take care of the post-treatment care instructions. It would help if you experienced normal reactions, and typically, redness and mild swelling can subside within a few hours to a couple of days. During the first week, you can expect some peeling or dryness, and you must avoid picking it up. After the second week, you can notice a gradual improvement in the appearance of the pigmentation and the overall brightening of the complexion.

After the 4th week, you can see a vast improvement in the pigmentation, and you must know that the final results would take several weeks to manifest.

Costing of Cosmelan Treatment

The cost of the treatment will depend on different factors like the location of the clinic or the spa where the treatment is performed. Generally, you must spend 15,000 to ₹30,000 or more per session. You need to consult with your skincare expert in your specific area to get updated pricing information, and they will be able to provide you with a detailed breakdown of their expenses.



The treatment works by inhibiting melanin production, the pigment possible for dark spots. It helps in failing existing fragmentation and preventing the formulation of new spots.

Yes, the treatment is suitable for different skin types, like fair to dark skin tones, and you can customize it based on your individual needs.

A treatment session will take around 60 to 90 minutes, depending on the extent of the treatment that you need.

You need multiple treatment sessions to see the right results, and the number of sessions required varies depending on the individual skin condition.

You need multiple treatment sessions to see the right results, and the number of sessions required varies depending on the individual skin condition.

The side effects include temporary redness or dryness. The effects are typically mild and subside within just a few days.

There is usually no downtime linked with the treatment, but you might experience some peeling and dryness, which can be managed with the proper treatment.

Yes, the treatment can be used on other parts of your skin besides your face, like your neck, chest, hands, and arms.

Yes, you can combine the treatments with other skin care treatments, but you should connect with your doctor to check the best approach

The results can be long-lasting with proper skin care maintenance and sun protection. But your results would vary, and periodic maintenance can be recommended.

Before & After


before cosmelan treatment
after cosmelan treatment

cosmelan That Works – Start Seeing Results Today!

Looking for a cosmelan that really works? Look no further than The Skin Recovery. We have a variety of treatments that will help you get clear skin fast.