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Fillers clinic in Bhubaneswar


Dermal fillers have become prominent in cosmetic dermatology and aesthetics. The injectable treatments provide a non-surgical solution to improve and restore facial volume while minimizing wrinkles. These fillers feature different substances injected into specific areas of your face to smoothen your lines and wrinkles. It Can also add volume to the areas if you have lost fullness with time.
The fillers can work by replenishing and restoring the natural substances in your skin, like collagen or calcium. The implications would help you avoid volume and also stimulate production. It will provide you with structural support to the skin and result in a youthful and rejuvenated appearance. At Skin Recovery Clinic, Allergan Fillers are used for various dermatology treatments.

Dermal Fillers Doctor in Bhubaneswar

Dr Aishwarya Bedi

MD - Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy, MBBS

7 Years Experience in Skin & Hair treatments

Doctor Profile

Why Choose us for Best Dermal Fillers Treatment in Bhubaneswar



Skilled Professionals

Our clinic houses experienced specialists proficient in administering precise and effective filler treatments.


Customized Approach

We believe in tailored solutions. Our treatments are personalized to suit your unique facial features and goals.


Natural Enhancement

Our focus is on achieving subtle and natural-looking results, enhancing your beauty without an overdone appearance.


Post-Treatment Care

We're committed to your well-being. Our comprehensive aftercare ensures a smooth and comfortable recovery.

About Dermal Fillers


Dermal Fillers Treatment
Body Parts Cured With Derma Fillers:
The dermal filler technique is commonly used to enhance and restore volume to the face, filling in wrinkles, lines, and hollow areas.
The most common areas treated with dermal fillers include the lips, cheeks, nasolabial folds (smile lines), and under-eye hollows. However, dermal fillers can also enhance other body parts, such as the hands, temples, chin, and jawline.

Process of Dermal Fillers: • Skin is cleansed and numbed
• Dermal filler is injected using a fine needle
• The filler fills in targeted areas under the skin
• Injection sites may be massaged for even distribution
• Results are immediate and natural-looking.

Ideal candidate for Dermal Fillers

You can be the ideal candidate for dermal filler treatment if you have any age-related concerns like volume loss, wrinkles, or sagging skin. Fillers can help you restore your volume, smooth out all the wrinkles, and improve the overall facial contour. To be the right candidate, you should be in good general health with no significant medical conditions which would interfere with your healing process or increase the risk of complications.

Being the right candidate, you should have realistic expectations regarding the outcomes of your dermal filler treatment, and they would understand that your fillers can improve the appearance but the remote produce any permanent results. It would be best if you had a clear understanding of the limitations and the risks linked with the process.

You can be the ideal candidate for the treatment

Benefits of Dermal Fillers Treatment

  • leaf icon Wrinkle reduction
  • leaf icon Restoring facial volume
  • leaf icon Enhancing lip fullness
  • leaf icon Softening facial contours
  • leaf icon Correcting facial asymmetry.

Risks of Dermal Fillers Treatment

  • leaf icon Allergic reactions
  • leaf icon Bruising and swelling
  • leaf icon Infection at the injection site
  • leaf icon Formation of lumps or bumps
  • leaf icon Discolouration of skin changes.

Recovery time After Fillers

The recovery time after the filler treatment will depend on your conditions and the specific treatment area. The side effects, like redness or bruising, can subside in just a few days, but you need to know that the complete results of the treatment take some time to settle.

Costing of Fillers

The dermal filler treatment cost can vary depending on factors like the type and brand of the filler used and the amount required. The cost of dermal fillers ranges from 8000 to 30,000 INR per syringe.



These fillers are injectable substances that restore volume and smooth wrinkles.

The fillers work by adding volume. I'm filling in areas of your face that have lost volume because of aging. It can also stimulate collagen production for long-term improvements

Dermal fillers are safe when a qualified expert administers them. Still, just like any other medical procedure, there are some risks and potential side effects that you need to discuss with your healthcare expert.

The longevity of dermal fillers varies depending on the type of filler used first. Generally, fillers can last from several months to at least one year. It would be best if you connected with your doctor to know.

Most filler treatments include minimal discomfort, but you need to connect with your expert to learn how discomfort.

Some of the most common side effects that you can go through after dermal fillers include temporary redness, swelling, bruising, and tenderness. These typically subside in just a few days.

Some ordinary fillers can be entirely or partially reversed by using an enzyme. At the same time, you need to know that it can dissolve acid-based fillers.

Dermal fillers are generally suitable for everyone in good overall health, but specific contraindications, like pregnancy breastfeeding, should be concerned. A consultation with your healthcare expert is essential to understand your suitability.

Yes, fillers can be combined with cosmetic treatments like Botox or chemical peels.

Before & After


before dermal fillers treatment
after dermal fillers treatment

fillers That Works – Start Seeing Results Today!

Looking for a fillers that really works? Look no further than The Skin Recovery. We have a variety of treatments that will help you get clear skin fast.