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Freckles clinic in Bhubaneswar


Dr. Aishwarya, at The Skin Recovery, offers specialized treatment for freckles using state-of-the-art techniques. This treatment is designed to reduce or eliminate freckles, resulting in a more even and clear complexion.

Freckles Treatment Doctor in Bhubaneswar

Dr Aishwarya Bedi

MD - Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy, MBBS

7 Years Experience in Skin & Hair treatments

Doctor Profile

Techniques Used for Freckles:


Freckles Techniques

The freckles treatment primarily employs Q-switch laser technology. This advanced laser emits high-intensity pulses of light, which target and break down the melanin (pigment) in the freckles. As the freckles absorb the laser energy, they gradually fade away, leaving behind smoother and evenly-toned skin. The procedure is precise, non-invasive, and offers remarkable results.

Benefits Used for Freckles:

  • leaf icon Significant reduction or elimination of freckles.
  • leaf icon Achieve a more even and clear complexion.
  • leaf icon Minimally invasive procedure with no surgery required.
  • leaf icon Typically completed in a short amount of time.

Ideal Candidate for Freckles:

  • leaf icon Individuals with freckles or skin pigmentation concerns.
  • leaf icon Those seeking a non-surgical solution for clearer skin.
  • leaf icon People looking to achieve a more uniform and flawless complexion.

Risks & Side-effects of Freckles:

  • leaf icon Minor Discomfort: Patients may experience mild discomfort or temporary redness, which usually subsides quickly.
  • leaf icon Hyperpigmentation: Rarely, the treated area may experience temporary darkening, but this typically resolves with time.
  • leaf icon Hypopigmentation: In very rare cases, treated areas may become lighter in color temporarily.

Best Freckles Treatment Clinic in Bhubaneswar


The Skin Recovery, under the expert guidance of Dr. Aishwarya, is a renowned destination for freckles treatment. Dr. Aishwarya's extensive experience and patient-centric approach ensure that individuals receive personalized treatment plans, incorporating advanced Q-switch laser technology. With a strong reputation built on delivering proven results, The Skin Recovery provides a comforting and inclusive environment, empowering patients to attain clearer and more radiant skin.



Treatment costs vary based on the extent of freckles and individual needs. Consult with Dr. Aishwarya for an accurate estimate.

The Q-switch laser emits precise pulses of light that target and break down freckles' melanin, leading to their gradual disappearance.

Recovery is usually swift, and patients can often resume their regular activities soon after the procedure.

The number of sessions required may vary depending on the extent of freckles and individual response. Dr. Aishwarya will provide guidance during your consultation.

The procedure is generally well-tolerated, with minimal discomfort. The duration depends on the number of freckles being treated but is typically completed in a short time, making it convenient for busy individuals.

Before & After


Before Freckles Treatment
After Freckles Treatment

Freckles That Works – Start Seeing Results Today!

Looking for a Freckles that really works? Look no further than The Skin Recovery. We have a variety of treatments that will help you get clear skin fast.